Aneurin Leisure Trust

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New Sensory Garden

A new community sensory garden at Parc Bryn Bach in Tredegar has been developed with funding from the Welsh Government Local Places for Nature Fund and National Lottery Heritage Fund and is the perfect place to relax and enjoy the calming beauty of nature in wonderful surroundings.

Parc Bryn Bach’s team has worked with volunteers from the Friends of Parc Bryn Bach and Blaenau Gwent’s biodiversity team to create a sensory garden that includes a number of trees, climbers, shrubs, grasses and herbs which have been interspersed with wildflower seeds.  Each has been chosen to create a celebration of colour, textures, sounds, taste and smell with the plants such as Echinacea and Lavender providing healing properties.

The garden has been designed to feature a host of native Welsh trees, plants and herbs which will enhance biodiversity.  At the centre of the garden will be a sculpture, ‘The Life’s Circles’ by artist Shaun Gagg.  A beautiful piece of art that is sculpted from steel pipes which are welded together from the inside.

Andrew White, director of the National Lottery Heritage Fund in Wales said: “Landscapes and nature form the bedrock of our culture and heritage, improving wellbeing, sparking curiosity, and protecting and providing for the community around them. National Lottery players have highlighted natural heritage as especially important, which is why we are proud to award a grant to this sensory garden, which will allow people to enjoy nature as part of their daily lives.”

Phill Sykes, operations director of Aneurin Leisure Trust added, “The new sensory garden at the park will be a wonderful addition to the facilities that are on offer to the local community.  We believe that this space will provide a genuine retreat for visitors to take time out of their busy lives and enjoy nature at its best.  We hope that this new addition to the park will help with individuals’ and families’ overall health and wellbeing.”

The sensory garden officially opened on 30th September 2021.  More information about the garden can be found at