GCSE Exam Success for Adult Community Learners

We are very proud to report that 27 adult learners took their GCSE exams this summer in English and maths and 100% were awarded a pass grade!

  • 81% of maths candidates achieved an A-C grade and 94% were graded A-D.

  • 91% of English learners gained an A-C grade, with 100% success at A-D.

Among the successes were Bethan Daley who had an A in English and a C in maths and Emily Morgan who gained an A in maths.

Chloe De Assis was thrilled to gain a B grade in maths and was joined by her children Sonny, 3 and Betsi, 2 – who were very proud of their mum’s achievement.

Maths and English GCSE courses are available at our Learning Action Centres, with courses beginning week commencing 12th September (learners will then sit their exams in June 2023).

If you or someone you know would like to join either of these courses, please email nicola.smith@aneurinleisure.org.uk

To view or download our 2022-23 Courses for Adults brochure please visit our Adult Community Learning page here.

For more information on our range of courses that are available, or to enrol, please contact your local Learning Action Centre:


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FREE Summer School Courses with Adult Community Learning